Friday 21st February // 7:30pm // Magnus CofE Academy
The Old Testament prophesies the coming of 3 distinct offices: an ultimate Prophet to speak on behalf of God; an ultimate Priest to represent a bridge between man and God, as well as atone for the sins of humanity; and an ultimate King, who will rule, not only over Israel, but over the whole world.
John 12 draws our attention to the fact that these 3 distinct offices are fulfilled in the singular person of Jesus Christ. We see Jesus served as King, heard as Prophet, and Worshipped as one that is God.
John further cements this idea by illustrating the world-wide kingship of Jesus; the fact that Jesus speaks what He hears from the Father; and that He is the one who must die in order to atone for our sins.
As we continue to ask the question: Who Is Jesus? we are guided further to our answer in John 12. That Jesus is our prophet, our priest, and our king.
Our call is the respond appropriately, by serving, listening, and worshipping.
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