Assemble Culture

Emulate me as I emulate Christ

We’re all on individual journeys to become more and more like Jesus - that’s discipleship. We build one another up and encourage one another to be continually developing to be the people we’re called to be. These are some characteristics that describe God's people that we try and develop at Assemble.

We build

Jesus gave His Church a mission to make disciples, building each other up and encouraging one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11). We’re each on our individual journeys, but we are called to help each other on them.

We serve

Ultimately we serve God, and our service to God is outworked in many different ways. We serve each other, we serve our community, and we serve the church. Every single one of us is called to serve.

We give

Generosity is at the heart of the Kingdom of God, as God the Father gave His Son for us. Our prayer is that His Kingdom would be “on earth as in heaven”. Part of bringing heaven to earth is outworking Kingdom principles, including generosity. We give of our time, our skills, our finances, and ourselves, all for the glory of God.

We include

Jesus came so that none may perish, it is His will that everyone is included in His Kingdom. It is our will that everyone is able to find a place in Assemble.

We follow

Obedience is part of the Christian’s life. Just as the Son was obedient to the Father in respect of the cross, so we are an obedient people. We acknowledge the authority that God has over His creation, including us. We acknowledge and honour leadership within the church, be they Life Group leaders, ministry leaders, team leaders, or other leaders.

We lead

We believe we are each called to be leaders. We lead our own lives for the glory of God; we lead in our families, workplaces, and communities. Our leadership style is servitude. It’s by this style that we also lead Life Groups, teams, and ministries.

We respect

All creation is made by God, for the glory of God, all creation is to respected in that light. We respect one another; our communities; our friends; and our families.

We dream

We believe God gives each of us individual hearts, dreams, aspirations, skills, and gifts - both spiritual and practical. We are not a people who stand still, we are motivated by the dreams that God has placed on our hearts, and the discontentedness that comes before the realisation of those dreams

All content on this website is property of Assemble Church, unless otherwise stated. Copyright 2022.

Registered Charity No. 1198942